Lupexil for hair treatment: Androgenetic fall.

This article will be divided into 2 parts. In this first part we will explain the type of Androgenetic fall while in the second part we will explain the type of areata and temporal fall. 

It is important to clarify that minoxidil will work as long as the problem is treated in time, in 90% you can recover the lost hair and avoid the fall if you start the treatment since you notice the first signs of hair loss.

Androgenic hair loss.

This type of fall is the most difficult to fight and usually the process is long. It is characterized by being hereditary. Hair loss is partial, but at each stage the hair becomes thinner until it stops growing in its entirety. The fall is, at first from the entrances and the crown, making it wider and wider until covering almost the entire top of the head. This type of fall is quite associated with the presence of DHT in the scalp. Dihydrotestosterone (dhT) is a derivative of testosterone and when there is an overproduction of dht the follicle stops having the blood supply necessary for its growth. Making the hair stop growing over time.

Finasteride together with minoxidil are those of the 2 best inhibitors of DHT, so it is a somewhat complete option to use both products for hair loss, especially hereditary.

If there is baldness in the family, that is to say, that fall where the hair falls from the crown towards the entrances or vice versa, and that the fall is at an early age, it may be a sign that you are presenting this type of baldness.

How to use Lupexil® in this type of fall?

Once the type of fall is detected in time, it is important to start with minoxidil treatment. Minoxidil will be applied 1 ml every 12 hours in the area to be stimulated. There may be side effects such as itching or dryness, which are removed after 15 days of beginning treatment, while the skin gets used to minoxidil. After these effects will be passed.

After 1 year of use you can quit minoxidil completely and keep the results for 2 or 3 years on average, depending on how advanced the problem is.

What happens in this period of 2 to 3 years without using minoxidil?

The problem with this type of fall is that the DHT is still produced in the body (Remember that this problem is hereditary) and in this period of time the hair will gradually lose weight until baldness is again present.

In this way there is retake the treatment with minoxidil and combat the fall periodically. That is why it is important to treat it in time.

It should be noted that the body will only react to some extent to minoxidil and the maximum treatment time is 1 year, that is, there is no case to apply minoxidil for more than a year with the intention of seeing more results, what you get in that year it is what you can recover with minoxidil.

In turn, treatment with minoxidil can be combined with the use of finasteride, especially 1 mg, as it inhibits DHT and acts as a de-inflammatory. You can also combine minoxidil with biotin, preferably with that of 5 thousand units or with that of 10 thousand, in order to thicken the new hair you get with minoxidil. Since at first the hair will grow very thin.

Practically this will be the cycle of use of minoxidil for hereditary fall, the most difficult to combat. And the best way to counteract their progress is always to deal with it in time.

In the next article we will talk about the temporary fall, that which is produced by changes in the body, stress, oily skin, etc. Which requires a shorter time of use with minoxidil.

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Lupexil® 2019