How to use Lupexil®?

Lupexil® is a solution for cutaneous use. The liquid is transparent and colorless. Minoxidil is usually dispensed in cans equipped with a spray pump to facilitate application. Next we explain how to apply Minoxidil for hair, it works for men or women.

This medication is indicated in the treatment of moderate intensity androgenetic alopecia.

1.- Before starting treatment with this medicine, it will be necessary for your doctor to perform a complete clinical review. As with other medications, the degree of response to treatment depends on each patient, therefore, a previous treatment of 4 months before the hair begins to grow may be necessary.

2.- The first step to use Minoxidil is that the hair should be clean and dry. You must apply it in the area where you lose hair.

3.- It is very important that you use it with the vaporizer to obtain a better penetration in the whole scalp. Another important aspect is to apply the sufficient dose, after 6 beats the dose of 1 ml will have been applied.

4.- The recommended daily dose is 1 ml of the solution every 12 hours (each ml corresponds to 6 sprays), starting at the center of the area to be treated. The recommended daily dose should be respected regardless of the degree of alopecia. The maximum recommended daily dose is 2 ml (12 sprays).

5.- The accidental or voluntary overdose after the topical application of 5% minoxidil will produce an increase in the intensity of the adverse effects of dermatological type, especially pruritus (itching), dryness, irritation of the skin and eczema.

6.- At the end of the use of Minoxidil, it is recommended to wash your hands with plenty of water to prevent the growth of hair in unwanted areas.

7.- After using the bottle with Minoxidil, you must cover it again and keep it in a dry place that is not in direct contact with sunlight. Do not store at a temperature above 30ºC.

2 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. hello, minoxidil is recommended for androgenic alopecia or hair loss from the crown. Minoxidil reactivates the follicle for growth. The use in other areas of the body is the responsibility of the person who applies it.



Lupexil® 2019